spring boot + docker + kubernetes


we have three environment as (dev, test and prod) and we have database configuration as below

      ddl-auto: update
    url: ${URL}
    username: ${USERNAME}
    password: ${PASSWORD}

What i am trying is that i create the jar and then build the image and when deploying in to the kubernetes , i will be using the dev , test and prod respective deployment.yaml in which i will be loading the url,username and password to env so the application will read it during prod start up

So when i am trying to build jar application try to connect to the database and it failed to create the jar.

Please let me know my understanding is wrong or right if wrong then how to correct it and just one thing is that i can't change the process i.e jar+ image + kubernetes

-- key

1 Answer


In Kubernetes you can put your configuration in Configmap or Secret. You can package the spring boot application and provide the Configmap entry as env variable of your container as exposed here

Using Spring Cloud Kubernetes you can also read these properties without any configuration on the container as explained in this article

-- Federico Paparoni
Source: StackOverflow