Name: spring-cloud-dataflow-server Version: 2.2.0.RELEASE
Deployed a simple stream http|log and while deploy from dashboard set following for the 'http' app
but still don't get External IP automatically. Any help appreciated.
Note: If manually change the type from ClusterIP to LoadBalancer in Http Service directly from kubernetes dashboard it works
When deploying a stream with deployer properties, you'd have to use the deployer
For instance, consider the following stream.
stream create task-stream --definition "http | task-launcher-dataflow --platform-name=fooz"
When deploying it, you can supply the deployer property to create a load-balancer for a particular app, which in this case is the http-source
stream deploy task-stream --properties "deployer.http.kubernetes.createLoadBalancer=true"
When deploying the same stream from the Dashboard, though, you'd have to supply it in the freeform textbox in the deployment page.