How to run a Spark Standalone master on Kubernetes that will use the Kubernetes Cluser Manager to start workers


I have an application that currently uses Standalone Mode locally to use spark functionality via the SparkContext. We are not using spark-submit to upload our jobs, we are running our application in a container on kubernetes so we would like to take advantage of the dynamic scheduling that kubernetes provides to run the jobs.

We started out looking for a helm chart to create stand alone cluster running on kubernetes similar to how you would have run a standalone cluster on machines ( vms or actual machines ) a few years ago and came across the following


  • very old instances of spark
  • not using the containers provided by spark
  • this setup wastes a bunch of resources if you need to have large worker nodes reserved and running all the time regardless of your need

Next we started looking at the spark-operator approach here


  • Doesn't support the way we interact with spark, takes the approach that all the apps are standalone apps that are pushed to the cluster to run
  • No longstanding master that allows us to take advantage of cached resources in the cluster

Along this journey we discovered that spark now supports a kubernetes cluster manager ( similar to the way it does with yarn, mesos ) so we are looking that this might be the best approach, but this still does not provide a standalone master that would allow for the in memory caching. I have looked to see if there was a way that I could get the org.apache.spark.deploy.master.Master to start and use the org.apache.spark.scheduler.cluster.k8s.KubernetesClusterManager

So I guess what I'm trying to ask is does anyone have any experience in trying to run a Standalone Master, that would use the kubernetes backend such as "KubernetesClusterManager" in order to have the worker nodes dynamically created as pods and running executors while having a permanent Standalone Master that would allow a SparkContext to connect to it remotely in client mode.

-- Adam Carbone

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