Network issue on kube pods

  1. first of all, I know about k8s and how it works with all their stuff;
  2. second, I need to tell about my app and how it works on k8s
  3. 3rd, I gonna ask my question:

this app consist of three pods which each one has their own services:

1. nginx with php-fpm (called sample-app)

2. redis

3. queue(based on node js)

this app work in this way:

when a request comes into sample-app, this app stores request as a job in Redis, this while queue watch Redis for unprocessed jobs and process them(for example send an email).

now my issue:

the queue pod with no reason and no time order and with no logs stop working, there is a need to tell again in the k8s logs you can't see any error or warning, it's mostly like stuck and do nothing!!. this app works fine on minikube and before k8s, on VM. so every time I delete queue pods, the new created ones start to work normally and process jobs from Redis.

I test this app on minikube with benchmark tools (send request from outside of cluster with ab command) with no problems and no errors, so whenever I move to k8s and test this app with hight request density the queue pod stop working too again as my second issue whit this app.

*extra information about my cluster: k8s ver is 1.15, docker ver 19.3.1, CNI plugin is calico, and I use helm.

now is there any way to troubleshoot what is the problem and recognize where is the problem comes from?

-- alireza71

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