Can we increase the size of configmap to store binary data of size more than 1 MB?


I am trying to upload a jar file in a config map. I am able to upload the small jar file of size 1 MB but not a file of size 4MB. I am using below command to create configmap.

kubectl create configmap configmap-test --from-file=jarfile.jar

Is there a way to increase this size limit?

Client version is GitVersion:"v1.14.1" and server version is GitVersion:"v1.15.0"

-- Nish

2 Answers


In order to fix this you should change Request size limit by changing --max-request-bytes option

etcd is designed to handle small key value pairs typical for metadata. Larger requests will work, but may increase the latency of other requests. By default, the maximum size of any request is 1.5 MiB. This limit is configurable through --max-request-bytes flag for etcd server.

-- VKR
Source: StackOverflow


It is the constraint from the ETCD.

The limit is 1MB because that's the limit for etcd.size limit

-- Suresh Vishnoi
Source: StackOverflow