Force Kubernetes to dispatch request over all Pods


For one of my projects, I am deploying the application on Kubernetes.

Shortly explained, the app (in my dev machine) is deployed on 8 pods (1 / cpu core), inside a Node. Each pod can process one request at a time (I force the limite with a threadpool - CPU is the bottleneck here).

I would like to force Kubernetes load balancer to send incoming request to next pod when a pod is "busy".

Does any of you know how to achieve this ?

-- Frix G

1 Answer


You can run Kube-proxy in IPVS mode which allows routing of services based on a few different algorithms. You can find more in the documentation here, and this blog. From the blog:

  • You will need to run Kube proxy with a flag --proxy-mode=ipvs
  • And add a flag --ipvs-scheduler for choosing one of the options

    rr: round-robin

    lc: least connection

    dh: destination hashing

    sh: source hashing

    sed: shortest expected delay

    nq: never queue

As a pre-requisite the nodes will need the following modules installed:


If you want to do more sophisticated routing than this - then I would look into service mesh as an option

-- Vishal Biyani
Source: StackOverflow