List all pulled docker images from k8s worker node


I have EKS Cluster with three worker nodes. Now I would like to list all pulled docker images, how can I do it?

I searched across documentation and couldn't find any direct way to access it. I could possibly attach key pair for worker node and try to ssh to it, but I would like to avoid that.

-- Tomasz

2 Answers


For all nodes

kubectl get node  -o json | jq -r '.items[].status.images[].names'

For 'worker-node'

kubectl get node worker-node -o json | jq -r '.status.images[].names'
-- FL3SH
Source: StackOverflow


I made a python script that parses the output of kubectl get node -o json and displays in a format similar to docker images, but only with the fields repository, tag and size (missing image_id and created).

# Usage: kubectl get node [optional: name of node] -o json | python
import sys
import json
data = json.load(sys.stdin)
    nodes = data['items']
except KeyError:
    nodes = [data]
for node in nodes:
    node_name = node['metadata']['name']
    print("\nNODE {}".format(node_name))
    print("REPOSITORY".ljust(48)+"  "+TAG".ljust(16)+"  "+SIZE")
    images = node['status']['images']
    for image in images:
        if len(image['names'])<2:
        names = image['names'][1].rsplit(":",1)
        name = names[0]
        tag = names[1]
        size = image['sizeBytes']
        size_mb = "{0:.1f}MB".format(size/1000000.)
        print(name.ljust(48)+"  "+tag.ljust(16)+"  "+size_mb)

In my tests, the output shows the same repositories as running docker images on each node (my older images are present).

-- victortv
Source: StackOverflow