Kubernetes, Rook, and Ceph: CephFS not working


My problem

In Kuberentes, I built a Ceph cluster with Rook, and Ceph is reporting healthy state (ceph -s).

But when I write file (cp -r) with CephFS, the file's content in CephFS is null, while if I use mv | cp -a it is normal.

My informations

  • Kubernetes: 14.1
  • Rook: 1.3
  • Mountpoint:,, on /data type ceph (rw,relatime,name=admin,secret=<hidden>,acl,wsize=16777216)
  • Ceph auth:
  ceph auth get client.admin


  key = AQCvmUpdzjdZGRAA0s/GFuQ82vdxVH4LlwnK8g==

  caps mds = "allow *"

  caps mgr = "allow *"

  caps mon = "allow *"

  caps osd = "allow *"

  ceph auth get client.root


  key = AQA+VildvyPtFhAA78pUdsD6+X9x5UdHmGjI1g==

  caps mds = "allow *"

  caps mgr = "allow *"

  caps mon = "allow *"

  caps osd = "allow *"
  • docker: 18

  • image: tomcat:8.0

  • message:

0 data1
862.5K data2
1. check health: ceph -s # in ceph
2. check file: ls -ahl files # in docker container, and files' size is 0
3. and Ubuntu in Docker is normal. # in an Ubuntu container


All files from a same directory, and all filename is exist, but content is null. And I don't know how I solve the problem or the bug.

-- UniQ

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