I want to get the value of a specific field of a secret in a shell script.
From the kubectl get secret
documentation, it seems the standard way to get a secret returns the whole thing, in a specified format, with the values base64 encoded.
So, to get the bar
field of the foo
secret, output as an unencoded string, I'm doing this:
kubectl get secret foo -o json | jq -r ".data.bar" | base64 --decode
That is
secret as JSONjq
to read the bar
field from the JSONbase64
Is there a way to do this only using kubectl
Or an elegant way in POSIX-compliant shell that doesn't rely on any dependencies like jq
This should work since Kubernetes 1.11 (see PR 60755):
kubectl get secret foo -o go-template='{{ .data.bar | base64decode }}'
Try this
kubectl get secret foo --template={{.data.bar}} | base64 --decode
No need of jq.