Transferring Kubernetes cluster to other project include PVC


I have a problem to migrate kubernetes cluster to other google project, not so familiar with GKE. Assuming my cluster is k8s-prod-xyz in xyz-proj project.

Now, i have a new project called xyz-new-proj and the Kubernetes cluster is still empty. I want to move or migrate the k8s-prod-xyz from xyz-proj to xyz-new-proj.

Node, PVC, Services, etc should be transfered or migrated. Have you guys experienced this case ? Or should i create new Kubernetes cluster in new project and then run the deployment from zero ?

-- Nicky Puff

1 Answer


You can use GKE feature Clone an existing cluster (however this works only within the same project) along with Heptio Velero tool. I guess the solution described in this article is currently the fastest and most convenient way of performing such migration.

-- mario
Source: StackOverflow