Stackdriver adapter for istio - Helm installation


I have just installed istio using Helm and enabling some adapters through the values.yaml file. I have enabled successfully grafana, prometheus and kiali but for some reasons stackdriver adpater is not working and it seems nothings happened for this adapter.

In the values.yaml file, I have just set the following:

    # If using stackdriver tracer outside GCP, set env GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to the GCP credential file.
    tracer: "stackdriver"

Is there something more to be done ?

-- Charles Verleyen

1 Answer


If the stack isn't running on GCP, then you need to authenticate before pushing data into Stackdriver.

The adapter expects the Service Account credentials of which content can be set as the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS or as a path where the Service Account JSON file is located.

From the blog repo, it seems that your case needs the credentials passed as environment variable rather than a path.

-- yyyyahir
Source: StackOverflow