How to get node resource reserved/capacity in Kubernetes (kubelet flags/configuration)?


There is a documentation article here explaining on how one can reserve resources on a node for system use.

What I did not manage to figure out is how can one get these values? If I understand things correctly kubectl top nodes will return available resources, but I would like to see kube-reserved, system-reserved and eviction-threshold as well.

Is it possible?

-- Ilya Chernomordik

1 Answer


by checking the kubelet's flag, we can get the values of kube-reserved, system-reserved and eviction-threshold.

ssh into the $NODE and ps aufx | grep kubelet will list out the running kubelet and its flag.

kube-reserved and system-reserved values are only useful for scheduling as scheduler can see the allocatable resources.

-- Suresh Vishnoi
Source: StackOverflow