Can anyone explain what is meant by <CERTIFICATE_DATA_REDACTED>?


I am trying to setup ElasticSearch OpenDistro but I am not able to understand what is meant by <CERTIFICATE_DATA_REDACTED> in the link .

How should I use this yaml file? Do I need to put the base64 encoded values here replacing the and then kubectl apply -f secrets.yaml or what?

Can someone provide any reference link around this which explains the same?

kind: Secret
  name: elasticsearch-tls-data
  namespace: elasticsearch
type: Opaque
  elk-crt.pem: |-
  elk-key.pem: |-
  elk-root-ca.pem: |-
  admin-crt.pem: |-
  admin-key.pem: |-
  admin-root-ca.pem: |-
-- Nitesh Ratnaparkhe

1 Answer


I have not used this configuration before, but on my opinion what you should do is create your own certificates elk-crt.pem, elk-key.pem, elk-root-ca.pem, admin-crt.pem, admin-key.pem, admin-root-ca.pem same thing with Kibana (if you will use it), then just create your Secret with raw values,

please read this:

For certain scenarios, you may wish to use the stringData field instead. This field allows you to put a non-base64 encoded string directly into the Secret, and the string will be encoded for you when the Secret is created or updated.

-- cperez08
Source: StackOverflow