Metallb with nginx ingress controller on minkube keeps resetting external IP for ingress


A MCVE example is here: (just run ./ and minikube addons enable ingress).

The IP assigned to the ingress keeps getting reset, I don't know what is causing it? Do I need additional configuration perhaps?

kubectl get ingress --all-namespaces                 
NAMESPACE       NAME          HOSTS         ADDRESS           PORTS     AGE
chris-example   app-ingress   80, 443   61m

And a minute later:

NAMESPACE       NAME          HOSTS         ADDRESS   PORTS     AGE
chris-example   app-ingress             80, 443   60m

In terms of configuration I've just applied:

# metallb
kubectl apply -f

# nginx
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f

ingress controller logs logs:

I0714 22:00:38.056148       7 event.go:258] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"Ingress", Namespace:"chris-example", Name:"app-ingress", UID:"cbf3b5bf-a67a-11e9-be9a-a4cafa3aa171", APIVersion:"", ResourceVersion:"8681", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'UPDATE' Ingress chris-example/app-ingress
I0714 22:01:19.153298       7 event.go:258] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"Ingress", Namespace:"chris-example", Name:"app-ingress", UID:"cbf3b5bf-a67a-11e9-be9a-a4cafa3aa171", APIVersion:"", ResourceVersion:"8743", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'UPDATE' Ingress chris-example/app-ingress
I0714 22:01:38.051694       7 status.go:296] updating Ingress chris-example/app-ingress status from [{ }] to []
I0714 22:01:38.060044       7 event.go:258] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"Ingress", Namespace:"chris-example", Name:"app-ingress", UID:"cbf3b5bf-a67a-11e9-be9a-a4cafa3aa171", APIVersion:"", ResourceVersion:"8773", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'UPDATE' Ingress chris-example/app-ingress

And the metallb controller logs:

{"caller":"main.go:72","event":"noChange","msg":"service converged, no change","service":"kube-system/kube-dns","ts":"2019-07-14T21:58:39.656725017Z"}
{"caller":"main.go:73","event":"endUpdate","msg":"end of service update","service":"kube-system/kube-dns","ts":"2019-07-14T21:58:39.656741267Z"}
{"caller":"main.go:49","event":"startUpdate","msg":"start of service update","service":"chris-example/app-lb","ts":"2019-07-14T21:58:39.6567588Z"}
{"caller":"main.go:72","event":"noChange","msg":"service converged, no change","service":"chris-example/app-lb","ts":"2019-07-14T21:58:39.656842026Z"}
{"caller":"main.go:73","event":"endUpdate","msg":"end of service update","service":"chris-example/app-lb","ts":"2019-07-14T21:58:39.656873586Z"}

As a test I deleted the deployment+daemonset relating to metallb:

kubectl delete deployment -n metallb-system controller
kubectl delete daemonset -n metallb-system speaker

And after the external IP is set, it'll once again reset...

-- Chris Stryczynski

1 Answer


I was curious and recreated your case. I was able to properly expose the service.

First of all: you don't need to use minikube ingress addon when deploying your own NGINX. If you do, you have 2 ingress controllers in a cluster and it leads confusion later. Run: minikube addons disable ingress

Sidenote: You can see this confusion in the IP your ingress got assigned: which is not in CIDR range you defined in configmap-metallb.yaml.

You need to change service type of ingress-nginx to LoadBalancer. you can do this by running:

kubectl edit -n ingress-nginx service ingress-nginx

Additionally, you can change app-lb service to NodePort, since it doesn't need to be exposed outside of the cluster - ingress controller will take care of it.


It's easier to think about Ingress object as of ConfigMap, rather than Service.

MetalLB takes configuration you provided in ConfigMap and waits for IP request API call. When it gets one it provides IP form the CIDR range you specified.

In a similar way, ingress controller (NGINX in your case) takes configuration described in Ingress object and uses it to rout traffic to desired place in the cluster.

Then ingress-nginx service is exposed outside of the cluster with assigned IP.

Inbound traffic is directed by Ingress controller (NGINX), based on rules described in Ingress object to a service in font of your application.


   ++     +---------+
   ||     |ConfigMap|
   ||     +--+------+
   ||        |
   ||        | CIDR range to provision
   ||        v
   ||     +--+----------+
   ||     |MetalLB      |               +-------+
   ||     |Load balancer|               |Ingress|
   ||     +-+-----------+               +---+---+
   ||       |                               |
   ||       |  External IP assigned         |Rules described in spec
   ||       |  to service                   |
   ||       v                               v
   ||    +--+--------------------+      +---+------------------+
   ||    |                       |      |  Ingress Controller  |
   |---->+ ingress-nginx service +----->+      (NGINX pod)     |
   +---->|                       +----->+                      |
         +-----------------------+      +----------------------+
                                          | Backend service |
                                          | (app-lb)        |
                                          |                 |
                                          | Backend pod        |
                                          | (httpbin)          |
                                          |                    |
-- MWZ
Source: StackOverflow