Recovering Kubernetes cluster deployed via KOPS on AWS on DR - Different region/AZ


I scanned over the net and couldn't find a straight answer on how to recover a kops deployed kubernetes cluster on a DR region. Let's say my current production cluster in deployed on us-east-1 on 3 AZ, and now I want to perform a DR and restore the cluster on us-west-1. I've my etcd backed up in the region, so I am not worried not that case on how to backup the etcd cluster.

My other concern here is, since this cluster is deployed on AWS and we all know how heavily AWS depends on the tags KV pair to attach the ebs for all pods/etcd cluster - would manually changing the values help, or I would need to edit the cluster via kops and re-deploy?

I didn't try the restore directly, since it's my production cluster, but would like to hear, if God forbid a scenario comes where AWS us-east-1 is down the drain, what should be the best way to bring up the cluster in another DR zone.

-- rebelution

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