I would like to, what is the purpose of the following function? Is it for resource allocation?
Also, I want to know, in which part of codes, the kubernetes decides to allocate resources based on resource limits? I cannot find those codes. Could you please help me?
func calculateResource(pod *v1.Pod) (res Resource, non0CPU int64, non0Mem int64) {
resPtr := &res
for _, c := range pod.Spec.Containers {
non0CPUReq, non0MemReq := priorityutil.GetNonzeroRequests(&c.Resources.Requests)
non0CPU += non0CPUReq
non0Mem += non0MemReq
// No non-zero resources for GPUs or opaque resources.
In short, kubelet limit container resource usage by cgroup. You can search this by keyword CgroupConfig
How kubernetes decides to allocate resources based on resource limits?
Detail at ResourceConfigForPod.