I am doing with Kubernetes.
Now, I am doing with leaderelection in K8S.
Because I want to develop something here. So, I need to get the node which current pod belongs to.
For example,in this file leaderelection.go, after a pod becomes leader, I want to know which node this pod belongs to.
Can someone help me? Can you give me an example of code!
Thank you!
First of all the codebase you are referring to is outdated.
You can use kubernetes/client-go library to query Kubernetes API. Refer to examples
Just a minimal code:
pod, - := ks.clientSet.CoreV1().Pods(apiV1.NamespaceDefault).Get("your_pod_name", metaV1.GetOptions{})
fmt.Printf("node name: %s", pod.Spec.NodeName)