Kubernetes service discovery using DNS fails


I want to understand how the /etc/resolve.conf is configured for each pod of a replicaSet for DNS server info, because I upgraded the cluster from 1.13 to 1.14 and it somehow changed the IP of the kube DNS server , and the existing replicaSet is injecting the old IP/info into the /etc/resolve.conf of new pods of that replicaSet, breaking the service discovery for those particular pods.

Even if it is not a cluster upgrade and one just re-deploy kube-dns, and it changes its IP, then how existing replicaSet or statefulSets behave when they add/increase more pods. On my side, currently, it's injecting the old info.

New deployments work fine.

-- Ijaz Ahmad Khan

1 Answer


The pods will always inherit the specification from the owner object, in this case, from the ReplicaSet.

Each ReplicaSet has a pod template that contains the resolv.conf registered configuration and won't change unless a new Deployment is rolled out (since RSs are dependents of the Deployment object):

kubectl get rs YOUR_REPLICASET -o yaml | grep pod-template-hash -m 1

In this case you can either rollout a new Deployment version or redeploy the kube-dns/coreDNS' YAML definition, keeping the original clusterIP:

  clusterIP: # Old service address
-- yyyyahir
Source: StackOverflow