I am using metrics-server(https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/metrics-server/) to collect the core metrics from containers in a kubernetes cluster.
I could fetch 2 resource usage metrics per container.
However its not clear to me whether
these metrics are accumulated over time or they are already sampled for a particular time window(1 minute/ 30 seconds..)
What are the units for the above metric values. For CPU usage, is it the number of cores or milliseconds? And for memory usage i assume its the bytes usage.
While computing CPU usage metric value, does metrics-server already take care of dividing the container usage by the host system usage?
Also, if i have to compare these metrics with the docker-api metrics, how to compute CPU usage % for a given container?
serializer in the k8s apimachinery package. You can read about it from the comments in the source code/pods
and /nodes