Can't push the docker image to gcp-cluster


So I did a tutorial based on tensorflow-servings and Kubernetes. All steps are working fine except the docker image pushing to the cluster.

this is the tutorial that i have tried.

And when I'm trying to push the docker image it gives an error like this,

enter image description here

I have tried to create the cluster with scopes also. But the result is same as above.

The command I use to create a cluster with scopes:

gcloud container clusters create resnet-serving-cluster --num-nodes 5 --scopes=storage-rw

So what is the wrong with this? Have I done something wrong???

-- Shehan Dhaleesha

3 Answers


There may be a variety of reasons.

1) I'd recommend to start with check if full API access has been granted. enter image description here

2) Update gcloud components gcloud components update

3) Use gsutil to make sure you have permission to write to the bucket:

$ gsutil acl get gs://<my-bucket>
-- A_Suh
Source: StackOverflow


You are trying to push your image into your private registry on gcloud. Please verify if you can access your private registry:

gcloud container images list-tags"your-project"/"image"

all information about gcloud private registry you can find here:

Additional helpful information you can find here
Please notice that:

By default, project Owners and Editors have push and pull permissions for that project's Container Registry bucket.
Project Viewers have pull permission only.

-- Hanx
Source: StackOverflow


Ok found the answer. My project ID and registry name are not equal. I re-tag the docker image with new registry name providing my project id and push it. It works.

-- Shehan Dhaleesha
Source: StackOverflow