I have 2 different IP sets in the same network. My kubeadm is in a different IP range than my other nodes. How shall I set the property here: kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr=
cat /etc/hosts
#kubernetes slaves ebdp-ch2-d587p.sys.***.net, ebdp-ch2-d588p.sys.***.net kubemaster kube2 kube3
In addition to @Yavuz Sert answer, --pod-network-cidr
flag identifies Container Network Interface (CNI) IP pool for Pods communication purpose within a Kubernetes cluster. You have to choose some separate IP subnet for Pod networking, it has to be different against your current given network sets. Since --pod-network-cidr
has successfully applied kube-proxy reflects Pod IP subnet and add appropriate routes for network communication between Pods through cluster overlay network. Indeed you can find clusterCIDR
flag withing kube-proxy configmap which corresponds to --pod-network-cidr
is for IPs of the pods that kubernetes will manage. It is not related with nodes of the cluster.
For nodes, the requirement is (from Kubernetes doc):
Full network connectivity between all machines in the cluster (public or private network is fine)