SSL error ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID when using Envoy proxy in front of gRPC service


I've developed a gRPC service that is deployed on a Kubernetes cluster, and I'm using grpc-web from nodejs clients to connect to it. This means I need a proxy in front of the service. Everything works perfectly with this envoy configuration without SSL, but now I need to secure the connections to get it ready for production.

Here are the steps I've gone through

1) Generated the keys, entering my domain when asked using this tutorial

2) Edit the Dockerfile to add the keys

FROM envoyproxy/envoy:latest

COPY envoy-proxy-tls.yaml /etc/envoy.yaml


ADD ./certs/ /etc/
ADD ./certs/ /etc/
ADD ./certs/rootCA.crt /etc/rootCA.crt

WORKDIR /etc/envoy
CMD /usr/local/bin/envoy -c /etc/envoy.yaml

3) Updated the envoy config to use tls on the port

It's much easier to read this config file with highlighting so here is a gist of it.

What's Happening
I make calls to my service like this

var simService = new SimulationServiceClient(ServerAddress, null, null);

var request = new CreateSpectatorRequest();
var metadata = {};
var stream = simService.createSpectator(request, metadata);
stream.on("data", this.onData);
stream.on("status", this.onStatus);
stream.on("end", this.onEnd);

At this point I have my grpc service and the envoy proxy running in a kubernetes cluster, the same way I did before adding TLS. When I try to connect from my browser I get this error: net::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID

I'm having a really hard time debugging this as I'm not sure exactly where the error could be occurring. Any help would be appreciated!

-- Diericx

1 Answer


I'm using GKE and just found this link that shows how to use a Google Managed SSL Certificate.

It works perfectly for me! Sorry I couldn't solve this issue exactly but this is a way easier alternative as they also handle automation for the certificates.

-- Diericx
Source: StackOverflow