Secure traffic between kubernetes ingress and service


I'm pretty new to kubernetes, I hope to explain myself in a good way, and if anyone has any resources/suggestions to read for my problem it would be really much appreciated.
Let's get straight to the point. The web app I'm trying to expose accepts only https connection on the service. So basically I would like to ask the ingress to communicate with my service through https

Following some tutorial I tried to expose a simple web app(that accept http connection) through https, craeting a certificate and a secret and adding the following line to the ingress.yml:

   - secretName:

and executing a curl -k or through browser I can see my webpage. The troubles pops out when my webapp accept only https connection, and the webapp we are moving to kubernetes does. I always receive "404 default backend" message.

I tried to look for some resources/tutorial/previous questions,

Secure communication between Ingress Controller (Traefik) and backend service on Kubernetes

Securing connections from ingress to services in Kubernetes with TLS

but I didnt figure out how to get out of the problem.

Any suggestions as mentioned before would be much appreciated.

-- federico

1 Answer


Error source can are probably your Ingress rule. It's their not pointing to the correct service & port or it is not in the same namespace as the service.

-- tomaaron
Source: StackOverflow