how to assign only 1 secret key in Cluster Role?


how to assign only 1 secret key in Cluster Role ? Please go through my below code, say I have multiple secrets and I want to give access to only 1 secret among via service account so how can I achieve ? if not possible and its possible only by mentioning secret key in manifest file directly without secret account then what is the use of secret account I want to know.

   # A role for reading/listing secrets
     kind: ClusterRole
     name: secret-access-cr
     - apiGroups: [""] # "" indicates the core API group
     resources: ["secrets"] verbs: ["get", "list"]

Please help.

-- sudhir tataraju

1 Answer


One of the example how you can use clusterrole binding and how to alllow/deny access to the API resources from within the POD using ClusterRole, ServiceAccount and RoleBinding process you can find in this tutorial:

Community related information:
Kubernetes namespace default service account
Shortly please create:

  1. secrets,
  2. namespace, for your deployment
  3. service account,
  4. clusterrole,
  5. rolebinding,
  6. assign your serviceAccountNames to different PODS or deployments.

More infomration about

-- Hanx
Source: StackOverflow