Run a web page similar to kubernetes dashboard


I a want to run a web page similar like kubernetes dashboard.The web page takes input from the user and generates a small file but i want the web page to be loaded without using any server. kubernetes is deploying a pod and bringing up the web page i want to do the same.If kubernetes is also using a server how is it using it(is it directly downloading it with the OS in the pod or how is kubernetes doing it).

Overview I want to know how kubernetes dashboard is getting deployed is it using a server if so how is it getting the server installed in the kubernetes pod else how is it bring up the UI.

-- jaya rohith

1 Answer


Actually, Kubernetes plays the role as an orchestrator and provides sufficient way for building communication channels between containers in the cluster and uses Docker by default as a container runtime.

Containers represent run-time environment for images, however images consist with OS layer and application binaries, a good explanation you can find here. In order to build own image you might consider two ways to afford this: create an image from existing one in Docker Hub or compose image from Dockerfile.To store the customized image might be the option to push it into Docker Hub repository or stand for some private isolated repo by deploying a Registry server.

When you are ready with an image, and you plan to implement application in Kubernetes cluster, that's a good time to create first microservice. Although, there are tons of materials about Kubernetes cluster and its run-time engine architecture in the globe, I would focus on the application deployment lifecycle.

Deployment is the main mechanism which defines how are Pods should to be implemented within a cluster and provides specific configuration for further application run-time workflow.

Service describes a way how the particular Pod will communicate with other resources within a cluster, providing endpoint IP address and port where your application will respond.

In general scenario with Kubernetes Dashboard, the method in use kubectl proxy will expose the application by proxying gateway between host and Kubernetes API, which is more like for testing purposes and not secure, in comparison with Nodeport type which brings more convenient way to make application accessible outside the cluster, as described in this Stack thread.

I encourage you to get some more learning stuff in the official Kubernetes documentation.

-- mk_sta
Source: StackOverflow