When and Where to use Kubernetes Pod Affinity Rules


I'm trying to understand if it is good practice to use a podAntiAffinity rule to prefer that Pod's in my Deployment avoid being scheduled on the same node. Thus spreading the Pod's out on my Kubernetes cluster.

    - weight: 100
          - key: "app.kubernetes.io/name"
            operator: In
            - "foo"
        topologyKey: "kubernetes.io/hostname"

The documentation suggests avoiding the use of podAntiAffinity for clusters with hundreds of nodes which suggests that there is a performance impact to using them.

Also, if I don't use them, isn't the default scheduler behaviour to space out Pod's anyway?

I suppose it also matters what the Deployment is for. It makes sense to use a podAntiAffinity for a Redis cache for example but wouldn't it make even more sense to use a DaemonSet for that case? Also, what is the recommendation for a web server Pod?

-- Muhammad Rehan Saeed

1 Answer


You use Pod/Node Affinity rules if you want to schedule pods on some nodes by matching specified condition in more expressive methods. I am not sure if you can use it to avoid being scheduled on same node. If you don't use affinity rule, then kube-scheduler will look for feasible node to schedule pod on it and this is generally is not the same node.

You make kube-scheduler "to think" more by defining affinity rules and this is normal that in big clusters it can affect to performance.

Also to understand how the kube-scheduler iterates over Nodes by default, you can check this documentation.

-- coolinuxoid
Source: StackOverflow