Right hand column in Spring Boot Admin details displaying off screen


We are using Spring Boot Admin in Kubernetes in AWS (EKS), as a result our services are deploying with a lot of metadata on them, including kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration. This large field is causing SPA to render the page with the right hand column (the one with the health metrics, threads and non-heap memory) to render of the visible screen with no scroll bar at the bottom of the screen.

Is there a way to control what metadata fields SBA displays, or what metadata fields are included in the microservices that we are deploying?

Currently I have a work around of editing the CSS attached to the section tag inside the div with class instances__view to have a fixed pixel width to match my screen, but this needs to be done every time.

Spring Boot Admin: 2.1.3
other spring boot services 2.1.2 and 2.1.3
Spring Cloud version: Greenwich.RELEASE
Kubernetes version: 1.11.5 (EKS)

-- Bill

1 Answer


This has been fixed in Spring Boot Admin version 2.1.4 released on 2019/04/05

-- Bill
Source: StackOverflow