How to connect to redis-ha cluster in Kubernetes cluster?


So I recently installed stable/redis-ha cluster ( on my G-Cloud based kubernetes cluster. The cluster was installed as a "Headless Service" without a ClusterIP. There are 3 pods that make up this cluster one of which is elected master.

The cluster has installed with no issues and can be accessed via redis-cli from my local pc (after port-forwarding with kubectl).

The output from the cluster install provided me with DNS name for the cluster. Because the service is a headless I am using the following DNS Name

port_name.port_protocol.svc.namespace.svc.cluster.local (As specified by the documentation)

When attempting to connect I get the following error:

"redis.exceptions.ConnectionError: Error -2 connecting to port_name.port_protocol.svc.namespace.svc.cluster.local :6379. Name does not resolve."

This is not working.

Not sure what to do here. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

-- G. Jetson

2 Answers


Not sure if this is still relevant. Just enhance the chart similar to other charts to support NodePort, e.g. rabbitmq-ha so that you can use any node ip and configured node port if you want to access redis from outside the cluster.

-- step
Source: StackOverflow


the DNS appears to be incorrect. it should be in the below format


say, redis service name is redis and namespace is default then it should be

you can also use pod dns, like below


say, redis pod name is redis-0 and redis service name is redis and namespace is default then it should be

assuming the service port is same as container port and that is 6379

-- P Ekambaram
Source: StackOverflow