A simplified version of the code
trap 'rm /tmp/not_done; echo "trap command got executed"; sleep 10' SIGTERM
wait_sigterm() {
touch /tmp/not_done
while [ -f /tmp/not_done ]
sleep 60 &
wait $!
How can I make sure trap command got executed?
One way would be if I can get access to the logs of the killed container and check for my echo message.
I tried getting the logs (kubectl -n namespace-name logs pod-name container-name) in a while loop, so that I would be able to pick the last written logs till the container is alive.
But the echo message was not present. My guess is logs are not written once we kill the container or maybe something else. Is there any way I can get the logs of a killed container or test the above scenario?
Approach 1
If you want to check out the logs of the previously terminated container from pod POD_NAME. You can use the following command with -p flag
kubectl logs POD_NAME -c CONTAINER_NAME -p
You can get further information such as options and flags with the following command
kubectl logs --help
Approach 2
another approach to determine the termination message is in the Status field of Pod object.
kubectl get pod $POD_NAME -o yaml
check the field lastState of containerStatuses:
- containerID:
image: registry.access.redhat.com/rhel7:latest
lastState: {}
Here is more detail reading-a-termination-message