k8s service name can not reslove in browser


I want to send request using service name(*.svc.cluster.local) from outside the kubernetes cluster.

Now I use openVPN in cluster, and I can connect to it.And I can use service cluster IP to access service. To reslove the service name, I config the VPN to push a DNS server, and nslookup can parse the service name correctlly. But when send request from browser, *.svc.cluster.local can not be resloved. It seems that request do not send to the configured DNS server.I'm so confused, need help!

I push a private DNS server address, problem solved.

-- user7713239

1 Answer


I use private IP instead of public IP in 'push "dhcp-option DNS xxx.xx.xx.xx"' in server.conf. After restart openvpn, problem sloved!

-- user7713239
Source: StackOverflow