Is there any way to clean/delete some older packages in helm repo?


We've setup an AWS s3 storage as Helm repo.

But with development going on, more and more package files are uploade to the S3.

We want to cleanup/delete older files in S3, of course, I know we can't directly delete them from S3 as there're some mapping info stored in index.yaml.

I check the helm help, got few information about this. Is there any formal way to delete older helm packages?

-- user10814765

4 Answers


as mentioned in

you can use Helm Museum api to do that


# curl -XDELETE http://helm.chartrepo.url/api/charts/chart-name/version

please pay attention to the versions, you have to delete it one version per curl hit, means if you have 2 version and want to delete all the version you have to do it per version

# curl -XDELETE http://helm.chartrepo.url/api/charts/chart-name/1.0.1
# curl -XDELETE http://helm.chartrepo.url/api/charts/chart-name/1.0.2

ps: you can search your apps versions by hit

# curl http://helm.chartrepo.url/index.yaml
-- HQM
Source: StackOverflow


To Extend on VKR's answer, we had packages in our helm s3 repo that were not required and wanted to get rid of them. I took the following approach.

  1. Downloaded the index.yml file from s3 bucket. Removed all the entries for the packages that were not required. Saved the index.yml file locally. Then deleted the index.yml file from the s3 bucket and uploaded the new modified index.yml file to s3.
  2. Deleted all those packages in s3 that were not required and whose entries were removed from index.yml file in step 1.
  3. Cleared the cache directories mentioned in VKR's answer.
  4. Run helm repo update Everything was fine and all the packages that were not required wouldn't appear in the helm search.
-- Asim
Source: StackOverflow


curl -XDELETE http://helm.chartrepo.url/api/charts/chart-name/chart-name-<version-number>.tgz

If your helm repo requires authorixation curl -u username:password -XDELETE http://helm.chartrepo.url/api/charts/chart-name/chart-name-<version-number>.tgz

curl -u username:password -XDELETE http://helm.chartrepo.url/api/charts/chart-name/chart-name-0.1.0.tgz

We are using artifactory as our helm repo so here's an example curl -u username:password -XDELETE https://ourartifactoryurl/artifactory/myrepo/myhelmchart/myhelmchart-0.1.0.tgz

-- armourbear
Source: StackOverflow


There is no way to clean old packages using helm. You can use approach from github.

# !/bin/bash
# Remove all files in these directories.
rm -rf ~/.helm/cache/archive/*
rm -rf ~/.helm/repository/cache/*
# Refreash repository configurations
helm repo update
#That's all.
#If you "helm search" next time, you can find newest stable charts in repository
-- VKR
Source: StackOverflow