Nginx Ingress Controller Installation Error, "dial tcp i/o timeout"


I'm trying to setup a kubernetes cluster with kubeadm and vagrant. I faced an error during installing nginx ingress controller was timeout when the pods is trying to retrieve the configmap through kubernetes API. I have looked around and trying to apply their solution, still no luck, this is the reason I come out with this post.


I'm using vagrant to setup 2 nodes with ubuntu/xenial image.

Adapter1: NAT
Adapter2: HostOnly-network, IP:

Adapter1: NAT
Adapter2: HostOnly-network, IP:

I followed the kubeadm to setup the cluster

[Setup kubernetes with kubeadm]

And my kube cluster init command as below:

kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr= --apiserver-advertise-address=

and apply calico network plugin policy:

kubectl apply -f \

kubectl apply -f \

(Calico is a plugin I currently successful installed with, I will come out another post for flannel plugin which the plugin unable to access the service)

I'm using helm to install ingress controller followed the tutorial

That's the error occurred once I applied helm deploy command when I describe the pod

Helm Ingress Error

Appreciate someone can help, as I know the reason was the pod unable to access kubernetes API. But not this already should enable by kubernetes by default?

My kubesystem pods status as below: kube system pods

Another solution provided from kubernetes official website:

1) install kube-proxy with sidecar, I still new with kubernetes and I'm looking for example how to install kube-proxy with sidecar. Appreciate if someone could provide an example.

2) use client-go, I'm very confuse when I read this post, it seems that using go command to pull the go script, and I have no clue how's it working with kubernetes pods.

-- A1ucard

1 Answer


You guys are right, I have tested with digital ocean's droplet and it works as expected, I hit another error is "forbidden, user service account not permitted". Look like the pods is able to access the kubernetes api already. I also tested install istio which I encountered the same issue before, and now it worked in digital ocean droplet.

Thank you guys.

-- A1ucard
Source: StackOverflow