I've googled for hours and I can't seem to find the info. This might be a simple question... My question is this:
I have a big script to start up K8s. When everything is up and running and I do a kubectl cluster-info
I get kubernetes master is running on http://...
. EVERY example I read online says the result should be https://...
My question is what file/yaml/property/etc makes kubernetes master run http vs https?
I have both ports (80/443) defined in my kube-apiserver.yaml file. Do I have to get things working with the "insecure-port=0" in apiserver? Or can master run https without this?
That command echoes whatever url kubectl is configured to speak to the apiserver on. kubectl config view
displays the content of the kubeconfig file kubectl is using (specified in $KUBECONFIG, --kubeconfig, or ~/.kube/config by default)