How to remove GPU in Google Kubernetes cluster (GKE)


I cannot find a way to remove GPU (accelerator resource) from Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster. There is no official documentation on how to make change to it. Can you suggest a proper way to do so? The UI is gray out and it cannot allow me to make change from the console.

Here is the screenshot when I click to edit cluster. screenshot of GKE edit node

Thank you

-- Fony Lew

1 Answer


You cannot edit settings of a Node Pool once it is created.

You should create a new node pool with the settings you want (GPU, machine type etc) and delete the old node pool.

There's a tutorial on how to migrate to a new node pool smoothly here: If you don't care about pods terminating gracefully, you can create a new pool and just delete the old one.

You can find more content about this at

-- AhmetB - Google
Source: StackOverflow