Assign external ip to kubernetes pod



  • We're working on an integration with one of our clients
  • In order to get access to their systems, we need to establish a VPN connection
  • For security reasons, we need to bind this VPN connection to a static IP on our side (basically, layer 4 security check enforced by a Juniper router; we use OpenSwan to connect to it).
  • To do that, we must be connecting from that IP ; that is, we need to establish a socket connection, where the source IP corresponds to that static IP from the router's perspective (and, of course, that needs to route back to our pod successfully)
  • Client's side has very limited resources ops-wise, so this security hoop is the only way to connect to their systems

While our current system is running (AWS) Kubernetes, which is:

  • Made out of transient pods, transient nodes, with shifting IPs
  • Can assign an ExternalIP to a service (which, in turn, can route it to a pod); however that, by default, makes no guarantees about the originator IP of the traffic initiated by that pod

For this reason, we set up an external box & assigned Elastic IP to it, as a binding for the VPN, exposing endpoints, and calling our Kubernetes Services. This introduces a single point of failure -if that box goes down, so does our integration.

Question: in what ways can this be made HA within the Kubernetes world, given the constrains on the first list above?

-- Silver Dragon

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