What is the difference between flannel (network layer) and ingress in kubernetes ?


I am setting up 2 VPC on GCP, I setup kubeadm on each, let's call them kubemaster and kubenode1. So I ran kubeadm on kubemaster and kubenode1 which :

  • kubeadm init on kubemaster
  • kubeadm join on kubenode1

When I was trying to kubectl apply -f (a deployment which contains a pod with simple webapps inside) and kubectl apply -f (a NodePort type of Service which target the deployment port)

After that I simply access the webapps from my browser (on my local machine not on GCP), it just does not work as what I tried on minikube (I setup minikube with same kubectl apply as above too). I dig some search and there are a lot of people saying regarding Ingress and network layer (flannel in kubernetes website example)

My question is what are these Ingress and flannel ? Which one is necessary or both are not necessary at all if I just want my webapp run ? How does each other works against others ? Because from my understanding the layering is as per below :

Traffic -> Services -> Deployments/Pods

Where are these ingress and flannel suits to ? If its not about them both, why my apps does not work as intended (i open all port in GCP setting so its not security issue I suppose), I tried setting up Kubernetes Dashboard-UI, run kubectl proxy and still my browser cannot access both services (my webapp inside the deployment and also Dashboard API), may be I am a little bit lost here.

-- thegexploit

3 Answers


Said short, flannel or pod-to-pod networking layer in general, is what enables pods to talk to each other in Kubernetes. Ingress Controller on the other hand is what takes Ingress objects and turns them into rules for receiving and forwarding (mostly) HTTP(S) traffic to the backing services, over pod-to-pod network.

As you can see, technically, you need only the first one (pod-to-pod networking) as you can directly expose your service somewhere with NodePort or LoadBalancer service, it is very convenient though to use Ingress if you expose multiple services (pretty much like you do with vhosts on classic web server installations.

-- Radek 'Goblin' Pieczonka
Source: StackOverflow


The flannel and the Ingress are completely different things.

flannel is a CNI or Container Network Interface plugin which task is networking between containers. As coreOS says:

each container is assigned an IP address that can be used to communicate with other containers on the same host. For communicating over a network, containers are tied to the IP addresses of the host machines and must rely on port-mapping to reach the desired container. This makes it difficult for applications running inside containers to advertise their external IP and port as that information is not available to them.

flannel solves the problem by giving each container an IP that can be used for container-to-container communication. It uses packet encapsulation to create a virtual overlay network that spans the whole cluster. More specifically, flannel gives each host an IP subnet (/24 by default) from which the Docker daemon is able to allocate IPs to the individual containers.

The Kubernetes supports some other CNI plugins: Calico, weave, etc. They vary according to functionality ( e.g. supporting features like NetworkPolicy for restricting resources )

The Ingress is a Kubernetes object which is usually operate at the application layer of the network stack (HTTP) and allow you to expose your Service externally, it also provides a features such as HTTP requests routing, cookie-based session affinity, HTTPS traffic termination and so on. (just like a web server Nginx or Apache)

-- Konstantin Vustin
Source: StackOverflow


I want to add few more points along with exiting answers.

After that I simply access the webapps from my browser (on my local machine not on GCP), it just does not work as what I tried on minikube

Did you open the security rules/firewall rules for the NodePort? On which instance did you open and which instance are you hitting to access your app?

My question is what are these Ingress and flannel?

I recommend you to read offical docs. But anyway, since you asked the question, I would like to tell few words.

  • Flannel is a overrelay network for containers which the subnet for the container can span across multiple nodes(Which is opposite to native docker networking-host n/w, NAT, etc). Each containers gets it own IP every time it spawn. The flannel is more like control plain for container network which is internal to K8s
  • Ingress is smart router for the load balancer(Or simple for now, we can say it exposes the application to out side of K8s). It works at application level. Once you hit the "Ingress" enpoint, it will forward to service(which depends on ingress rules) and then to app pod.

I see you were talking about ClusterIP. Generally, the the ClusterIP is the IP for the K8s service which is nothing but a magic of "IP Tables Rules". Kube-Proxy is responsible to write ip table rules in every node once you define "Service". These ip table rules or ClusterIP points to actual pod IP(The IP assigned by flannel daemon). I hope you can understand, how flannel and "Ingress" fit into the picture or work together or responsible for application traffic.(Please correct if I'm wrong..!!)

  • Can you paste ingress controller yaml content? What are the rules you defined?
  • Since you are using GCP, why don't you try GKE? I mean it is easy to deploy, besides you can access your application with LoadBalancer instead of depending on Ingress(Anyway, its none of my business :-) )
-- Veerendra Kakumanu
Source: StackOverflow