Why go-micro Kubernetes plugin requires to register the pod to registry?


I have a question regarding how to use go-micro with Kubernetes. AFAIK, Kubernetes already has kube-dns for service discovery and kube-proxy with Service abstraction to expose the pods.

Is it possible to use go-micro, but skip the kubernetes go-micro plugin to register itself to the Kubernetes API server?

Because I am not sure why it is necessary in first place. The fact is that kubelet will do that for us automatically (by livenessProbe and readinessProbe check, it can then determine pod is healthy or not), by only including the healthy pod to the endpoint of service.

I am asking the question because we're also using istio-proxy. We got micro-services errors whenever the pod is starting, due to istio-proxy is not yet ready to route the traffic (even the traffic to kube api, since it intercepts the egress traffic from our main container (it uses the go-micro Kubernetes plugin)).

2018/10/17 04:37:55 Can't create server! reason: Patch dial tcp connect: connection refused

It then causes the main container (go-micro kube plugin app) in the crashloopback multiple times, until the istio-proxy is ready. This is not a big issue, but it troubles my mind about the motivation behind the registration thing.

-- Agung Pratama

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