Cors and database uri problem in scaling out architecture


I have react frontend and spring boot backend with mongodb behind.

I have issues with setting 2 parameters in the spring boot service.

First is address of the mongodb which is now set as localhost:27017 in the It works at localhost but since I plan to scale out using kubernetes and docker images i would like to know how to define It and where for the case in which I have mongo1 mongo2 and mongo3 database hosts and would like to pass all 3 URIs ?

Second issues is more tricky! React frontend doesnt work in chrome until I put allow cross origin anotation over my spring rest endpoint . I used hardcoded localhost:3000 here but when I scale it out using kubernetes this wont work if it gets data from another host in the cluster.What to do here?

-- Mark O

1 Answer

  1. To answer your first question, you can configure multi data sources, see here documentation how you can configure more than one data sources (80.2 Configure Two DataSources.

  2. For second question you can simply wildcard CORS URL or if you know all of your front end server urls which are load balanced you can pass as list of cors url.

    – * – means that all origins are allowed.
    – If undefined, all origins are allowed.


Run your react via yarn to deploy on Apache or ngnix. Once you seted up your domain or sub domain for front end, load balanced your front end so not required to run your front end on ports..

-- kj007
Source: StackOverflow