Configuring third-party Helm charts from my application Helm chart


I can't seem to find any clear information on this anywhere, but is it possible in a Helm chart to require a third party, such as stable/jenkins, and specify configuration values?

All the examples I see are for running the helm install command directly but I would like to be able to configure it as part of my application.

-- Ryall

1 Answer


In answer, @desaintmartin referred me to these documents in Slack:

This led me to find the specific part I was looking for, where the parent chart can override sub-charts by specifying the chart name as a key in the parent values.yaml.

In the application chart's requirements.yaml:

- name: jenkins
  # Can be found with "helm search jenkins"
  version: '0.18.0'
  # This is the binaries repository, as documented in the GitHub repo
  repository: ''


helm dependency update

In the application chart's values.yaml:

# ...other normal config values

# Name matches the sub-chart
  # This will be override "someJenkinsConfig" in the "jenkins" sub-chart
  someJenkinsConfig: value 
-- Ryall
Source: StackOverflow