Kubernetes: find Java application specific logs in one pod when application crashes


I got a project handed over to me that is in production with Kubernetes. The issue is that my localhost works fine but on the acceptance server there is an internal server error when I send a particular POST request to that API endpoint. Another issue is that I have very little experience with Kubernetes and need to deploy preferably tomorrow.

On my dev machine, I'd simply find the Java stacktrace and figure out what would go wrong. On my dev machine it is simply runned with: ./mvnw my_app. It is a Jhipster microservices application.

However, on Kubernetes I get logs like:

2018-09-16 13:25:48.687  INFO 16 --- [rter-1-thread-1] metrics                                  : type=TIMER, name=com.hw.auth.web.rest.UserResource.sendEmails, count=0, min=0.0, max=0.0, mean=0.0, stddev=0.0, median=0.0, p75=0.0, p95=0.0, p98=0.0, p99=0.0, p999=0.0, mean_rate=0.0, m1=0.0, m5=0.0, m15=0.0, rate_unit=events/second, duration_unit=milliseconds
2018-09-16 13:25:48.687  INFO 16 --- [rter-1-thread-1] metrics                                  : type=TIMER, name=com.hw.auth.web.rest.UserResource.updateUser, count=0, min=0.0, max=0.0, mean=0.0, stddev=0.0, median=0.0, p75=0.0, p95=0.0, p98=0.0, p99=0.0, p999=0.0, mean_rate=0.0, m1=0.0, m5=0.0, m15=0.0, rate_unit=events/second, duration_unit=milliseconds

This doesn't tell me anything where something is failing.

How would I find the error/Java stacktrace that I'd normally also get on my dev machine? Or rather what is the strategy for finding this on Google? The search terms that I am typing in aren't working.

Edit: a related question that gives 50% of the answer: how to ssh docker container

For me the command was: kubectl exec -it my-pod-on-kubernetes-seen-via-the-kubectl-get-pods-command /bin/sh

-- Melvin Roest

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