I'm using Azure for my Continuous Deployment, My secret name is "cisecret" using
kubectl create secret docker-registry cisecret --docker-username=XXXXX --docker-password=XXXXXXX --docker-email=SomeOne@outlook.com --docker-server=XXXXXXXXXX.azurecr.io
In my Visual Studio Online Release Task kubectl run Under Secrets section
Type of secret: dockerRegistry
Container Registry type: Azure Container Registry
Secret name: cisecret
My Release is successfully, but when proxy into kubernetes
Failed to pull image xxxxxxx unauthorized: authentication required.
How to pass image pull secret while using 'kubectl run' command?
This should help, you need to override the kubectl command with "imagepullsecrets":"cisecret".
Could this be due to your container name possibly? I had an issue where I wasn't properly prepending the ACR domain in front of the image name in my Kubernetes YAML which meant I wasn't pointed at the container registry / image and therefore my secret (which was working) appeared to be broken.
Can you post your YAML? Maybe there is something simple amiss since it seems you are on the right track from the secrets perspective.
I need to grant AKS access to ACR.
Please refer to the link here