Python gcloud clusters get-credentials returns permission error


I'm working on a Python(3.6) project in which I have implemented Google cloud apis, I have setup credentials for Google Cloud via service account. Here's what I have tried:

Obtain Credentials:

def prepare_credentials(cred_file):
    from google.oauth2 import service_account
    credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(cred_file)
    return credentials

And then I have tried to run gcloud container clusters get-credentials $CLUSTER_NAME --zone $ZONE --project $PROJECT as below:

Run gcloud command via Python's Subprocess:

            'gcloud container clusters get-credentials ' + data['cluster_name'] + ' --zone '
            + data['zone_region']
            + ' --project ' + data['project_id'],

it returns this error:

Fetching cluster endpoint and auth data.

ERROR: (gcloud.container.clusters.get-credentials) ResponseError: code=403, message=Required "container.clusters.get" permission for "projects/brain-183103/zones/europe-west1-d/clusters/numpy".


W0629 04:12:00.776926 2222 factory_object_mapping.go:423] Failed to download OpenAPI (Get dial tcp i/o timeout), falling back to swagger Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp i/o timeout

Service Account credentials are working well as I'm using these credentials for various other Google Cloud API calls and also I have set the owner permission to the project for this service_account.

Have I configured something wrong?

Help me, please!

Thank You, Abdul

-- Abdul Rehman

1 Answer


This approach won't work.

Python's subprocess provides a way to run e.g. gcloud commands and communicate between your Python process and e.g. gcloud using I/O (and error) pipes.

In your code, you show the creation of a Python credential object representing your service account and then your run gcloud in a sub-process. There's no credential sharing between these two processes and so gcloud is using whatever it has in context, probably the user's $HOME/.config/gcloud.

It's further complicated by the fact that gcloud container clusters get-credentials performs a bunch of magic with the user's gcloud credentials and the cluster specified, to configure $HOME/.kube/config so that subsequent kubectl commands authenticate using Open ID Connect.

Given that you're using a service account, I assume, because this requires distributing the service account's key to authenticate, that you don't intend to have many|dynamic copies of your code performing this authentication. If that's correct, then you may wish to consider performing the gcloud container cluster get-credentials outside of (and before) your Python code (either manually or via a shell script) and then (once you have a correctly configured $HOME/.kube/config for your cluster), use Kubernetes' Python client (!) to perform whatever work you'd like to do on the cluster.

Although not a solution to this problem specifically, I recommend you use Application Default Credentials (ADCs) in your code. ADCs result in one way to authenticate regardless of whether your code runs off-or-on Google Cloud Platform and regardless of whether you use user or service accounts.

Here's a Python sample using the Cloud Client Library and Application Default Credentials. The library does not (appear) to solve the challenge in effectively converting GCP service account credentials into credentials (via ~/.kube/config) that you may use to access the Kubernetes cluster. But, you can apply operations to clusters using this library:



from import container_v1

client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient()

project_id = "[[YOUR-PROJECT-ID]]"
zone = "[[YOUR-ZONE]]"

cluster_id = "[[YOUR-CLUSTER-ID]]"

cluster = {
   "name": cluster_id,
    "initial_node_count": 1,
      #"username": "admin",
      "client_certificate_config": {
    #logging_service = "",
    #monitoring_service = "",
    "initial_cluster_version": "1.10.5-gke.3",
response = client.create_cluster(project_id, zone, cluster)

response = client.list_clusters(project_id, zone)

response = client.delete_cluster(project_id, zone, cluster_id)

NB username is not present in the dict to disable username|password. client_certificate_config is empty ({}) to not issue a client cert. You may wish to change these. I think there's a bug in the JSON response of the create cluster too that I'll report.

-- DazWilkin
Source: StackOverflow