Scale the replica set using Labels


I could able to scale the replica set using the following


Is there a way that I can do scaling based on the specific label instead of namespaces and deployment.

I could find a way to get the deployments based on label


But couldn't find scaling using label.

Any help is appreciated.

-- surazzarus

1 Answer


You can scale Deployments, ReplicaSets, ReplicaConlrollers and StatefulSets using appropriate API:


The idea is to find Deployment with required Labels using API /apis/extensions/v1beta1/deployments?labelSelector={labelKey}={labelValue}, and after that, use API /apis/apps/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/deployments/{name}/scale to scale.

You can implement this logic on ReplicaSets, ReplicaConlrollers and StatefulSets. But you need to remember, if you use Deployment, you need to scale it, not ReplicaConlroller created by it.

-- Artem Golenyaev
Source: StackOverflow