Helm: Incompatible versions between client and server


After I have run helm list I got following error:

Error: incompatible versions client[v2.9.0] server[v2.8.2]

I did a helm init to install the compatible tiller version "Warning: Tiller is already installed in the cluster. (Use --client-only to suppress this message, or --upgrade to upgrade Tiller to the current version.)".

Any pointers?

-- Avi

8 Answers


For those having installed their helm client with snap, to downgrade/upgrade it to a specific version you can simply:

  • Uninstall it: snap remove helm
  • Check the available versions: snap info helm
  • Install the one you want: snap install helm --channel=X.X/stable --classic
-- V. Déhaye
Source: StackOverflow


I experienced same issue, but in my case I wanna only to upgrade Tiller to specific version (because helm client is running remotely).

So, error was:

Error: UPGRADE FAILED: incompatible versions client[v2.11.0] server[v2.9.1]

Accordingly to documentation I've run:

$ kubectl --namespace=kube-system set image deployments/tiller-deploy tiller=gcr.io/kubernetes-helm/tiller:v2.11.0

deployment.extensions/tiller-deploy image updated

Documentation reference:


-- Oleg Mykolaichenko
Source: StackOverflow


Like the OP, I had this error:

$ helm list
Error: incompatible versions client[v2.10.0] server[v2.9.1]

Updating the server wasn't an option for me so I needed to brew install a previous version of the client. I hadn't previously installed client[v2.9.1] (or any previous client version) and thus couldn't just brew switch kubernetes-helm 2.9.1. I ended up having to follow the steps in this SO answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/17757092/2356383

Which basically says

Now that I had the url for the correct kubernetes-helm.rb file, I ran the following:

$ brew unlink kubernetes-helm
$ brew install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/78d64252f30a12b6f4b3ce29686ab5e262eea812/Formula/kubernetes-helm.rb
$ brew switch kubernetes-helm 2.9.1

Hope this helps someone.

-- ahaurat
Source: StackOverflow


To upgrade your tiller version to the same version of the client, just run helm init --upgrade

-- Ignacio Millán
Source: StackOverflow


Another alternative, if changing the server version is not an option, is to use the helm installer script

The script lets you chose a specific version like so ./get_helm.sh -v v2.13.1

-- Zuabi
Source: StackOverflow


Another approach to using different versions through Docker.


Example: list helm packages installed

docker run -it --rm \
    -v ~/.kube/config:/root/.kube/config \
    -v ~/.helm:/root/.helm alpine/helm:2.9.1 \

This is a long command; but it can be shortened with an alias

alias helm_2_9_1="docker run -ti --rm \
    -v $(pwd):/apps -v ~/.kube/config:/root/.kube/config \
    -v ~/.helm:/root/.helm alpine/helm:2.9.1"

And then the command is

helm_2_9_1 list
-- Scott Boring
Source: StackOverflow


This answer is for who want to choose(downgrade) helm client version, and the brew install is not work.You can just manually install the binary file from here.


  1. you can unlink the current helm

    brew unlink kubernetes-helm
  2. choose and download the helm version you want in github helm------v2.8.2

  3. unzip the file and put the helm unix executable binary file into /usr/local/bin directory

    go to the directory you just downloaded

    cd /Users/your_name/Downloads

    unzip the file

    gunzip -c helm-v2.8.2-darwin-amd64.tar.gz | tar xopf -

    copy to the bin directory

    cp darwin-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin
  4. now you will see the right version of helm you want

    helm version
-- J.C
Source: StackOverflow


This probably isn't the most advanced answer... but my team runs kubernetes clusters that already have tiller installed. While setting up a new laptop, I wanted my helm to match the tiller version, so I found it like this:

TILLER_POD=`kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep tiller | awk '{print $1}'`
kubectl exec -n kube-system $TILLER_POD -- /tiller -version

Then I just used the normal helm install instructions from that release number (being on Linux, its basically just curl and unzip to /usr/local/bin).

-- John Humphreys - w00te
Source: StackOverflow