docker push image from CoreOS to private google container registry


I have a private git repo for a static angular frontend that uses gulp to compile angular assets to get the minified, static version in a output directory.

Now, to test & create my CI/CD pipeline for frontend in Kubernetes, I have setup a kubernetes cluster & installed helm, did helm init for getting tiller pods running.

Now when I look at this chart -

I have 2 questions now -

1) How do I create my own dockerfile with my build steps, so I found this article here at - to configure NGinx with LE with docker.

So, If I add this below code in the above dockerfile to copy my gulp build output files to the nginx web root, would I be able to correctly use this dockerfile for using it with the above helm chart (

without any other additional changes in it ?

Dockerfile update -

FROM node:latest as builder

RUN mkdir -p /usr/build
WORKDIR /usr/build
COPY package.json .
#COPY package-lock.json .
COPY bower.json .
COPY .bowerrc .
RUN npm install --quite
RUN npm install -g gulp bower --quite
RUN bower install --allow-root
RUN mkdir /usr/build/app
RUN cp -R /usr/build/node_modules /usr/build/app
RUN cp -R /usr/build/bower_components /usr/build/app
RUN cp -R /usr/build/*.json /usr/build/app/
RUN cp /usr/build/.bowerrc /usr/build/app/
COPY src /usr/build/app
RUN mkdir /usr/build/app/gulp
ADD gulp/* /usr/build/app/gulp/
ADD gulpfile.js /usr/build/app

WORKDIR /usr/build/app

RUN ls -al .
RUN rm -rf /usr/build/app/dist
RUN mkdir /usr/build/app/dist
RUN gulp build:dev
RUN ls -al /usr/build/app

FROM nginx:stable-alpine

ADD conf/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
ADD conf/service.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/service.conf

RUN rm -rf /usr/share/nginx/html/*
COPY --from=builder /usr/build/app/dist /usr/share/nginx/html

ADD script/ /
ADD script/ /

 rm /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf && \
 chmod +x / && \
 chmod +x / && \
 apk add  --update certbot tzdata openssl && \
 rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*

CMD ["/"]

------UPDATE NOTES------

With these dockerfile I have managed to finished/answered my question 1, If anyone needs this for reference in future

2) How do I store this docker image in the Google Image Registry & use that with Kubernetes in my GCE ?

------UPDATE NOTES------

I have tried to attempt the second part in the following way & getting error now while configuring docker authentication with GCP CoreOS

  • so with some help from google I was able to develop the above Dockerfile.
  • I Built the image file docker using -
  • docker build -t nginxle
  • next I tried to tag this image with -
  • docker tag nginxle-urtutors
  • after tagging to push it to GCR I tried -
  • docker push

Which throws an error that authentication for docker with google cloud has not been done yet

So I tried to follow from & [I am not directly running on GCE, but on a CoreOS VM sandbox, so standard login options with docker were not working as expected]. So, out of all options only successful was this one -

gcloud auth print-access-token | docker login -u oauth2accesstoken --password-stdin

It showed login success in ssh console.

But when I try to run again the -

docker push

or gcloud docker -- push

But both result in authentication failed.

-- Harshit Laddha

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