I have a K8s cluster up and running on Azure VMs.
after getting:
java.io.IOException: Too many open files in system
on one of the pods, I checked the open files limits by calling:
ulimit -a | grep "open files"
on both, the host (via ssh), and got:
open files (-n) 1024
and from within the pod (via 'exec' the pod), and got:
bash-4.3# ulimit -a | grep "open files"
open files (-n) 1048576
my question is how is it possible to have different values (the pod 'see' higher limit than the underlined host), and also which of the limits counts - will it break if more than 1024 open fd's get opened?
the relevant pod image based from 'alpine-java'.
the host os is: CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708
For Ulimit option, you shoud change it from docker's unit file on your vm
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd \
--iptables=false \
--ip-masq=false \
--host=unix:///var/run/docker.sock \
--log-level=error \
--storage-driver=overlay \
--default-ulimit nofile=70000:70000 \
--default-ulimit nproc=70000:70000