I'm interested in getting started with Kubernetes, but my needs are simple and it does not look simple. I have a number of containerized applications that I deploy to container servers. I use nginx as a reverse proxy to expose these applications.
As far as I can tell, Kubernetes is meant to simplify management of setups like this. But I'm not sure the setup investment is worth it, given that I only realistically need one instance of each app running.
What is the simplest reasonable Kubernetes setup that I can deploy a few containerized applications to?
EDIT: If I start using Kubernetes, it will be using only on-site servers. The applications in question are ones I’ve developed for my employer, who requires that everything stays on-site.
The Kubernetes docs provide an excellent page to choose between the different options to setup kubernetes. The page is found under Picking the Right Solution.
If you want a simple way for setting a kubernetes cluster on premise, check kubeadm.
As you want to get started with Kubernetes, I assume that you want to set-up for your local development, I think that minikube is a best candidate for this purpose. You can also take a look at interactive tutorials from official Kubernetes website, I find it very helpful.
On Prem you should deploy kubernetes with on your own setup.
3.1. https://github.com/kelseyhightower/kubernetes-the-hard-way
3.2. with kubeadm
3.3 with ansible scripts like kubespray
If you choose kubeadm installation,while you are upgrading kubernetes cluster, again you should use kubeadm again. Best way to deploy on prem is using kubeadm, kube-spray or automating it with Pivotal's Bosh scripts
Take a look at this opinionated cluster setup k8s-snowflake and deploy it somewhere like Azure, or Google Compute.
It's a great exercise to figure out how kubernetes clusters work at a low level, but when you're ready to go to production, take a look at Google's Container Engine or AWS Elastic Container Engine. These ease the management of clusters immensely and exposes all the other benefits of the cloud platform to your kubernetes workloads.
Well according to previous answers you should start with minikube on your machine.
Regarding the futher dev/test/staging/prod deployment it depends. There are a couple of solutions:
Update 31-01-2018: