I am getting "partner is not a Perforce client/server" when using ingress to route the service, but I am able to directly query the perforce server in the Kubernetes cluster.
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: ingress-notls
namespace: default
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "gce"
- host: perforce.domain.com
- path: /*
serviceName: p4-server
servicePort: 80
p4 service
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: p4-server
type: NodePort
- port: 80
targetPort: 1666
nodePort: 30166
name: p4-server
run: p4-server
if I am in the cluster:
$ p4 -p p4-server:80 info
User name: root
Client name: platform-3101934619-wtxs5
Client host: platform-3101934619-wtxs5
Client unknown.
Current directory: /
Peer address:
Client address:
Server address: p4-server-1400441787-fcmd9:1666
Server root: /codelingo
Server date: 2017/10/04 02:19:17 +0000 UTC
Server uptime: 380:53:52
Server version: P4D/LINUX26X86_64/2017.1/1511680 (2017/05/05)
Server license: none
Case Handling: sensitive
p4 logs:
Perforce server info:
2017/10/04 02:19:17 pid 23038 root@platform-3101934619-wtxs5 [p4/2017.1/LINUX26X86_64/1511680] 'user-info'
Failed attempt via ingress:
$ p4 -p perforce.domain.com:80 info
p4 logs:
Perforce server error:
Date 2017/10/04 02:18:30:
Pid 23012
Connection from broken.
RpcTransport: partner is not a Perforce client/server.
RpcTransport: partner is not a Perforce client/server.
RpcTransport: partner is not a Perforce client/server.
Peer address:
looks suspiciously like a bi-directional protocol, meaning that client and server expect to have unfettered access to one another, ala (non-passive mode) ftp
http: paths: - path: /*
I don't believe that http:
stanza is an accurate statement, as I doubt super, super seriously that Perforce speaks http between the client and the server. There are ongoing discussions around teaching Ingress about TCP, but for the time being I think you've gotten most of the way to where you want to go by already having a NodePort
for :1666
Create a GCE tcp load balancer (which effectively is just a firewall to keep the wild Internet away from your cluster) and point its 1666 to port 30166 on every Node in your cluster. It's unclear if anything further needs to happen around Perforce, but from the "establishing tcp/ip connectivity between outsiders and your in-cluster P4" point of view, I think that would do it