I am trying to create bucket using gsutil provided by kubernetes.
Below is the response -
$ gsutil mb -c nearline -p kubetest gs://some-bucket
Creating gs://some-bucket/...
AccessDeniedException: 403 hello.user@gmail.com does not have storage.buckets.create access to bucket some-bucket.
I tried the above because when trying run kuberentes on bare metal failed with below exception.
$ cluster/kube-up.sh
... Starting cluster in us-central1-b using provider gce
... calling verify-prereqs
... calling verify-kube-binaries
... calling kube-up
Project: kubetest
Network Project: kubetest
Zone: us-central1-b
BucketNotFoundException: 404 gs://kubernetes-staging-9e9580a659 bucket does not exist.
Creating gs://kubernetes-staging-9e9580a659
Creating gs://kubernetes-staging-9e9580a659/...
AccessDeniedException: 403 hello.user@gmail.com does not have storage.buckets.create access to bucket kubernetes-staging-9e9580a659.
How can I resolve this error and give access to the user?
Got to cloud shell and use the command - gsutil config -b
The gsutil config command obtains access credentials for Google Cloud Storage and writes a boto/gsutil configuration file containing the obtained credentials along with a number of other configuration-controllable values and the flag -b causes gsutil config to launch a browser to obtain OAuth2 approval.
It prompts a URL. [ Hit Allow ]
In your browser you should see a page that requests you to authorize access to Google Cloud Platform APIs and Services on your behalf. After you approve, an authorization code will be displayed.
Copy the verification code and paste to terminal and hit enter
This should resolve the 403.