Container Engine is temporarily out of capacity


I need add a new pool to my K8S cluster, but I got the error (gcloud.container.node-pools.create) ResponseError: code=503, message=Container Engine is temporarily out of capacity in us-central1-c. Please try a different zone or try again later.

If I try to create in another zone, like us-central1-b, fail because my K8S are on us-central1-c.

gcloud container node-pools create redis-pool \
  --cluster=my-kube-cluster \
  --image-type=COS \
  --machine-type=n1-highmem-2 \
  --node-labels=pool=redis \
  --zone=us-central1-c \
  --project=my-project-id \

How to fix it? This message!topic/gce-discussion/PAtGqxUiE0o was the only report I found but without an answer.

-- Robinho

1 Answer


Google Container Engine clusters are zonal resources. This means that they cannot be created or grow in a zone that is unavailable (down or out of capacity), as is the case with us-central1-c above.

-- Robert Bailey
Source: StackOverflow